

Pharmacological properties of the herbs:
The rationale that goes into choosing each ingredient is as follows:
• Menthol (Pudina Satva): It is a powerful, expectorant and demulcent and an excellent mouth
• Adulsa (Adhatoda vasika): It is a potent bronchodilator, antiallergic (antihistamine) and expectorant
agent, used successfully in the treatment of common cold, cough, whooping cough, chronic
bronchitis and asthma.
• Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum) : It is used to treat sore throat and tonsillits.
• Miri (Piper nigrum) : It has powerful anti-tussive and expectorant properties.
• Sunth (Zingiber officinale): It is very useful in controlling and curing chronic and repetitive cough/
cold bouts.
• Mulethi (Glycerrhiza glabra): It is used as an expectorant, for the treatment of asthma, acute and
chronic bronchitis, due to its anti inflammatory and mild mineral corticoid like action.
• Amla (Emblica officinalis): It is a powerful medicine used in cough, bronchitis, hemoptysis,
tuberculosis and as rejuvenating agent It also acts as an immune stimulant anti-inflammatory and
prevents recurrence of disease.
• Haldi (Curcuma Longa): It is a very strong immunomodulator, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory
agent. It also acts as a mucolytic and helps to remove excess cough.
• Kattha (Acacia catechu): It is an herbal mouth freshener and good astringent. It has a proven
antihistamine action, by which it helps reduce symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
• Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum): It is regarded as the most important remedy for respiratory diseases and
has strong anti-tussive and antibacterial activity. It acts as an expectorant and used in cough,
bronchitis, fever and other respiratory disorders.
• Saunf (Foeniculun vulgare): It is a respiratory stimulant, expectorant and also acts as an antitussive agent.

Baheda (Terminalia belerica): It has a powerful action in acute/chronic cough, bronchitis, sore
throat and common cold
• Pipali (Piper Longum): It is a time-tested medicine for cough and common cold and other
respiratory tract infections due to its excellent expectorant properties.
• Kakadashing (Pistacia integerrima) : It helps in clearance of mucus from airways, bronchi and
trachea. Acts as expectorant and manages the hiccoughs.